Find high quality middle market businesses for sale

Join the thousands of M&A professionals using PrivSource to source buyout and investment opportunities in lower middle market businesses.

How it works

Spend more time
closing deals

Leverage PrivSource to find private companies for sale. Unlike public listing marketplaces, PrivSource is only available to vetted lower and middle market M&A professionals.

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    Family Offices
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    Private Equity
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    Traditional Searchfunds
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    Strategic Buyers
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    M&A Advisors
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    Sellside Investment Banks

Private businesses for
sale across North America

Leverage PrivSource’s private network to find private companies for sale. Unlike public business listing sites, PrivSource is only available to vetted lower and middle-market M&A professionals.

Vetted companies
and vetted members

Our sweet spot is businesses that have $500K-$15M in annual EBITDA.

Closed and Secure

Thousands of firms and intermediaries across the lower middle market M&A ecosystem use PrivSource to source and list buyout opportunities.

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Chris Sykes

PrivSource was a game changer. Of all the sourcing tools we tried, PrivSource had the best deals, the widest range of intermediaries, and the most reasonable fee structure (no acquisition fee).

Chris Sykes

Managing Director, Eagle Rock Capital

Todd Burdon

Trying to find good deals is difficult. PrivSource takes all the great deals available and consolidated them into one place and makes it easy to search for specific criteria. It makes sourcing deals extremely easy and cost-effective.

Todd Burdon

Executive Director, Rhyno Equity Group

Matthew Hogan

Anyone sourcing via intermediaries or non-proprietary outreach will benefit from the amount of time the platform saves you during the week. The sell-side reps I’ve dealt with (bankers/brokers/advisors) have all produced quality materials and there hasn’t been one instance ‘haggling’ for basic data.

Matthew Hogan

Managing Partner, Needham Heights Holdings


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